Lose Life

Game Name: Parasol Hembei

md5sum: 439b93409ccb8ddd6dd20e4e71c43a44

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File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Parasol_Hembei_-_Lose_Life.mid
Upload Date and Time: 12/29/2016 20:03:36

Uploaded by:  (Devan Joseph Wolf)

Game System: Gameboy
Game Name: Parasol Hembei
Song Title: Lose Life
Sequenced by: Devan Joseph Wolf
Other Information: Lose Life/Death Theme on Parasol Hembei for GB. I also discovered the game and this track on one of the built-in games on the GB Boy Colour when I heard it multiple times since the game is hard, though I will be the one since they are too lazy to upload the track on YouTube.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 3
Delta Time Setting: 16

-Text Analysis-
Parasol Hembei for GB

-Copyright Event Analysis-
1990 Epoch, Arranged By Devan Wolf 2016

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Lose Life