Game 52: Action Gamemaster (Cheetahmen)

Game Name: Action 52

md5sum: 4aadb1e5d48961931b9b098f870c73e1
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Added by: Dave Harris  Added: 2008-04-13

File URL is
Upload Date and Time: 02/22/2008 23:09:36

Uploaded by:  (B. Busta)

Game System: Nintendo
Game Name: Action 52
Song Title: Game 52: Action Gamemaster (Cheetahmen)
Sequenced by: B. Busta
Other Information: In its original form, when the song would loop back to the beginning after its first play through, all three of the sound channels would instead play the song's bassline and the drum pattern would change. The song would remain on this (atrocious) bass-only loop from thereafter. Sounding absolutely awful, I decided to remove this bass-only loop completely for this sequence. 

Also, this song was reused in Cheetahmen II.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 5
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3