Wine Cellar

Game Name: Deja Vu

md5sum: eaae5b51154d66fbb0c44d1a2eae0d86
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Added by: Michael Newman  Added: 1998-06-28

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Uploaded by:  (Little Chiba)

Game System: Nintendo
Game Name: Deja Vu
Song Title: Wine Cellar
Sequenced by: Little Chiba  Information: This is fo' EBFan who requested Deja Vu music on the Wish List board. You've got good taste in music, dude. Peace out.This song reminds me of Mission Impossible for some reason. Oh well, I still like it. Final Fantasy 7 Script Beatnik now, 'cuz it's really good. ^^;

Midi TrackName Analysis:

Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
Deja Vu (NES)
The Wine Cellar