Final Fantasy Character Medley

Game Name: Final Fantasy Series

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Added by: Pongball  Added: 2005-08-11

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Upload Date and Time: 08/21/2004 09:01:54

Uploaded by:  (Ingenious Idiot)

Game System: Medley
Game Name: Final Fantasy Series
Song Title: Final Fantasy Character Medley
Sequenced by: Ingenious Idiot
Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Other Information: Contains the themes of many of the Heroes from Final Fantasies 4-9. The songs were chosen based on MY opinion as to which songs best represent each character. Some songs may not have been originally intended to match a certain character.
Songs included are: Zidane's theme; Red Wings (Cecil); Terra's Theme; My Home, Sweet Home (Butz); Valley of the Fallen Star (Red XIII); Freya's Theme; Cid's Theme (FF7); My Mind (Rinoa); Aria Di Mezzo Carattere (Celes); Song of Memories (Garnet/Dagger); Rosa's Theme; Lenna's Theme; Gentle Heart (Aeris); Hello, Cid! (FF4); Cyan's Theme; Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (Sorceress Edea); Sephiroth's Theme; Evil Lord Exdeath; Golbez, Clad in the Dark; Kuja's Melody; Kefka's Theme; The Four Warriors of Dawn (Galuf); Rydia's Theme; Ami (Selphie); Yuffie's Theme; Eiko's Theme; Thmasa (Strago).
Approximately 33 minutes. Enjoy!

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 15
Delta Time Setting: 960

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Track 0
Final Fantasy Hero Medley
Characters Featured in order:
Zidane, Cecil, Terra
Butz (Bartz), Red XIII, Freya
Cid (7), Rinoa, Celes
Garnet/Dagger, Rosa, Lenna (Riena)
Aeris, Cid (4), Cyan
Sorceress Edea, Sephiroth, Exdeath
Golbez, Kuja, Kefka
Galuf, Rydia, Selphie
Yuffie, Eiko, Strago
Begun week of March 8, 2004
Finished July 19, 2004
Sequenced by Ingenious Idiot

-Marker Analysis-
FF9- Zidane
FF4- Cecil
FF6- Terra
FF5- Butz
FF9- Freya
FF7- Cid
FF8- Rinoa
FF6- Celes
FF9- Garnet
FF4- Rosa
FF5- Lenna
FF7- Aeris
FF4- Cid
FF6- Cyan
FF8- Sorceress
FF7- Sephiroth
FF5- Exdeath
FF4- Golbez
FF9- Kuja
FF6- Kefka
FF5- Galuf
FF4- Rydia
FF8- Selphie
FF7- Yuffie
FF9- Eiko
FF6- Strago