Natural Killer Cyborg (Embellished)

Game Name: Mother 3

md5sum: 7eb1c738cc5fa966b632dd164b440e22
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Upload Date and Time: 01/07/2019 01:09:43

Uploaded by:  (tahutoa)

Game System: Gameboy Advance
Game Name: Mother 3
Song Title: Natural Killer Cyborg (Embellished)
Sequenced by: tahutoa
Other Information: Another version made for recreational listening. I wanted something that sounded decent in its own right, to listen to on mobile in particular--
God knows the first version came really close when I listened to it on Google Play Music the other day. 
Here's hoping this version will sound even better.

-MIDI Header Information-
MIDI Type: 1
Number of Tracks: 18
Delta Time Setting: 96

-Midi TrackName Analysis-
Natural Killer Cyborg (Embellished)
Drums (R)
Drums (L)
Snare (R)
Snare (L)
Sine Wave (PitchBend is halved)
Sine Wave (PitchBend is halved)
Sine Wave (PitchBend is halved)
25% Pulse
12.5% Pulse(?)
Fractal Laser
Crystalline Cannon
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